Steve Berra ( joins Mexican skaters Jesus Gonzalez, Eder Martinez, Mario Saenz, Angel Santiago and American Luis Tolentino for this Burn Ignite film, shot on location in Mexico City. The film was created alongside two short-form documentaries, one featuring Jess Kimura and the all girl hardcore snowboarding film collective Peep Show, the other is a portrait that celebrates the electric lyrics and gritty beat artistry of rapper/poet Julius Wright, aka Lyrical God. All are part of a new campaign from Coca-Cola’s Burn energy drink. Further information available
스티브 베라 와 멕시코 스케이터들과 다큐멘터리식의 영상을 멕시코시티에서 촬영했다네요.
코카콜라의 새로운 에너지 드링크에 관한 캠페인 이라고 하구요.